One California Woman Fights The "Shoot the Gays" Ballot Proposal With Her Own
March 24, 2015 #gay #lgbt
By AlexKelst

Charlotte Laws, California activist and on of the fiercest women of 2013, is "fighting fire with fire," she told Slate. In response to one California lawyer's ballot proposal called the "Sodomite Suppression Act" (which some have called the "Shoot the Gays" proposal), Charlotte Laws has proposed her own ballot initiative called the "Intolerant Jackass Act." All it took was $200 and some paperwork, just like any ballot proposal in California.

Her proposal would would combat the anti-gay hate such as that displayed by the Christian fundamentalist lawyer Matthew G. McLaughlin who proposed the ballot initiative to impose the death penalty on homosexuality. Laws' proposal is directed squarely at him, and states, 

"Any person, herein known as an 'Intolerant Jackass,' who brings forth a ballot measure that suggests the killing of gays and/or lesbians, whether this measure is called the Sodomite Suppression Act or is known by some other name, shall be required to attend sensitivity training for at least three (3) hours per month for twelve (12) consecutive months. In addition, the offender or 'Intolerant Jackass' must donate $5000 to a pro-gay or pro-lesbian organization."

Ha! Now this ballot proposal, just like the other one, has a ways to go before it is put before the voters of California, but I think this ballot proposal has a lot better chance of getting passed than the other one.

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